Cambridge Local News - Prana Mudra

Sabrina’s Serenity Yoga

Good day, everyone. Today, we’re excited to introduce Sabrina’s Serenity Yoga. In her captivating article, Sabrina shares her transformative yoga journey, which began in her teenage years and unfolded through significant personal and professional milestones. She details her evolution from initial experiences with Hatha yoga to advanced studies in trauma-informed and Ashtanga practices, illustrating how yoga has been a consistent source of healing and self-discovery. Now a skilled yoga instructor, Sabrina imparts her profound insights in virtual classes, offering the transformative techniques that have shaped her own path to those seeking their own journeys of renewal and growth.

Prana Mudra

Prana Mudra is one of the many sacred symbols used in yoga to direct our awareness towards balancing the 5 elements in our physical body and harmonizing our state of mind.

The fingers connecting creates a seal of Prana (Life Force Energy) within the body and works to remove any blocks. This specific Mudra is believed to help with improving vision and mobility of the eyes.

How to:

  1. Bend your ring and pinky fingers to touch the end of your thumb.
  2. Keep your middle and pointer fingers together and extend them out.

Practice this mudra while sitting in your morning or evening meditation. Start where you can without any judgment towards yourself and see if you can build up to 10 minutes of practice a day.

– Sabrina’s Serenity Yoga

Cambridge Local News - Prana Mudra