Creekside Hearing

Hearing Test and Hearing Aid Specialists

Co-owners, Michelle and Becca, created Creekside Hearing because they were tired of watching loyal clients not get the service they deserved. Instead, they wanted to build lifelong customer journeys with each client, by gaining trust and creating relationships. Educating people and spreading awareness on the importance of hearing health is a passion at Creekside Hearing. From the initial point of contact to each follow-up, they want to be there for you every step of the way.

Our first client story is about someone who was struggling with a terrible hearing loss but did not have the funds to get hearing aids. One of her family members reached out to us ahead of time to discuss options and costs. After providing them with information, the family decided they wanted to fund most of the cost for hearing aids, as the client is always helping others when she can, and hearing properly was very important for her quality of life.

So, they put out a call to family members; they had such a great response from the family that they were able to get together some funds almost immediately. They planned to surprise the client at a family gathering, just a few days before coming to see us for an appointment. As you could imagine, the client was floored by all of this, and the family was so excited knowing that they were going to get her the help she needed.

The client came in with a few family members and was delighted by the amount of information they received. After going through her case history and completing the hearing test, we noticed that she could potentially apply to get her hearing aids covered through the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. The client had no idea this was even an option for her and was ecstatic at the thought that she might not have to rely on her family to cover the cost of her hearing aids. The client left the appointment with a free pair of trial hearing aids, so that she could hear better right away, while waiting for the application to be processed.

After a few months of waiting, she got the confirmation that her hearing aids were going to be fully covered. The family was so grateful that we were able to help her start her hearing aid journey. To think they almost did not come in as money was a factor, to finding out she was eligible for total coverage for her hearing aids. The client was so pleased that she came to Creekside Hearing and is looking forward to wearing her new hearing aids! 

Our second client story comes from a young gentleman that was seeking hearing protection for when he plays the drums. This client has been involved in the music industry for many years, from attending concerts to playing music almost every day. He noticed that his hearing was declining and wanted to do something about it. Since he did not want to give up the music world, he knew he needed to protect his ears, otherwise his hearing would continue to deteriorate.

This client wanted to get a baseline hearing testing, to see where his level of hearing was, and discuss his options for ear protection. He was using over-the-ear protection at the time but found it would get in the way when he was drumming and was not the most comfortable. We suggested custom musician ear protection. All we needed to do was take an impression of his ears and for him to pick out the colours he wanted. The client had no idea custom musician ear protection even existed, and could not wait for his pair to come in.

Not only did the client learn about the custom plugs, but he found out that his hearing was starting to decline. As a young man, he wanted to make sure he monitored this, and so has decided to come back to Creekside Hearing each year for an annual hearing test, to help make sure his hearing does not decline further. He now wears his musician plugs daily and loves them!

Our final story comes from someone who was seeking hearing aid amplification as he noticed he was straining to hear, especially at work. His biggest concern was still being able to take work calls, attend video meetings and to hear better in the office. This gentleman was very tech savvy and wanted to make sure his new hearing aids did not interfere with the way he functioned at work. Originally, he was hesitant to come in, as he thought he was too young to need hearing aids, but he knew he was having a hard time hearing and it was starting to affect his job performance.

After discussing the client’s needs, we let him know that most modern hearing aids are Bluetooth compatible and can be paired directly to most smartphones to take calls and stream music. He was surprised that hearing aids had these features and could not wait to get a pair of trial aids set up. He selected the style of hearing aids he thought would work best for his lifestyle, and we checked to make sure his phone would work for the hearing aid app and phone calls.

There are two ways that hearing aids can connect to your phone: by connecting to the Bluetooth settings or pairing the hearing aids to an application. Since he wanted both, we first paired the hearing aids to the Bluetooth settings in his phone so he could take phone and video calls, and stream music and videos at his leisure. This handsfree feature allows the client to hear directly through his hearing aids and the client can speak freely without holding the phone up to his ear, while the person on the other end can hear him talking. This is going to make his work calls seamless on the go, leaving him free to complete other tasks.

The second feature he wanted us to set up was pairing the hearing aids to the app. This allows the client to adjust his hearing aids without having to come into the office, and to adjust how the hearing aids perform depending on his environment. This will let him make slight changes to his hearing aids if he is still having issues during work meetings.

Once we set everything up and tested it in the Creekside Hearing office, the client had a few weeks to trial the hearing aids. When he came back for his follow up, he was amazed how much he realised he was missing and how much the hearing aids were helping him. He loved the Bluetooth streaming and the ability to adjust his hearing aids on the go. He also mentioned that no one at work even noticed he was wearing hearing aids, which was another bonus for him as he was a bit concerned about how they might look and that they’d make him seem ‘old’.

He ordered some hearing aids and we set everything up the way he wanted. Now the client wears his hearing aids every day and has improved his workplace performance!

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss further, please feel free to reach out by one of the following contact methods:



Phone: 519-885-0006





We hope you enjoyed reading the stories from our clients and are looking forward to creating your very own hearing journey story! Thank you for your time.


Creekside Hearing Staff

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